Other Components

Other component types have specific individual purposes.

The component types are:

taskReceives tasks whenever they are created, updated or removed from the Dexi Task ManagerTaskAppComponent
notificationReceives notifications whenever they're send from the Dexi Platform.NotificationAppComponent

All these component types share the same specification schema - which supports the following properties:

endpointThe primary endpoint of the component which performs the actual operation the component implements.

See Endpoints for the structure.
validateAn endpoint to allow your service to validate the component configuration.

See Endpoints for the structure.

See ComponentValidatesConfiguration for implementation details.
configurationStatic configuration for the component.

See Configuration Field Types for structure and options
dynamicConfigurationThis allows the configuration to be generated by your service instead of being defined directly in the YML.

See Endpoints for structure

See ComponentHasDynamicConfigurationSchema for implementation details.